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julie nolta design
Julie Nolta

Hi, I'm Julie, Chief Executive Empress

of my little apple green design studio.

Welcome to my blog!

When I'm not out visiting a client or searching for just the right  product for a project, I can probably be found in my happy little studio (painted the perfect shade of green), busy drawing up new ideas for a cool kitchen or a "spa-licious" bathroom. I like to share the fun stuff I find along the way!


apple green studio

Clever and hilarious (and delicious) Christmas trees

So if you read my blog post last week, you’ll remember the rainbow of alternative colors I showed you for Christmas decorating.

Well. As I was looking for all those lovely, colorful options to share with you, I also ran across some clever and humorous Christmas trees that people had created. So, thinking we could all use a little stress relief along about now, I thought I’d show you some of those. You don't mind Christmas trees two weeks in a row, do you?!

Elf OFF the shelf

humorous Christmas tree

If you're a fan of Elf the movie, or the Elf on the Shelf phenomenon, then you'll probably enjoy this tree. Actually it looks like the elf has fallen OFF the shelf. I think they're mixing their themes by throwing Frosty in there, however he seems to be enjoying a good laugh at the elf's expense.

A Christmas ladder

humorous Christmas tree

How fun is this?! Not sure why I like this one so much. Maybe because it's simple and uncluttered. And elegant in its own way. Too bad I lost my ladder a few years ago or this might be on my hearth right now. But I digress.

The (Christmas) Cookie Monster

humorous Christmas tree

Have ya got pre-schoolers hanging around your house? They'll either love this big blue monster tree or be scared out of their wits Christmas morning!

A pepperoni tree skirt

humorous Christmas tree

Every tree needs a decorative skirt, and sometimes we get hungry opening gifts. And nothing says "Christmas" like pepperoni and mushroom pizza, RIGHT?! However I think I might have used THAT tree skirt under the next tree...

The ALL red tree

humorous Christmas tree

I think this one speaks for itself. It's red. :-D

Cinnamon roll tree

humorous Christmas tree

I did promise "delicious..." Cinnamon rolls are my favorite breakfast on Christmas morning, and this one looks good enough to eat!

And here's a recipe for a similar tree but this one's a cheesy, garlicky version. Mmmm!

Watermelon trees

humorous Christmas tree

Here's a cute thing to serve at a buffet or take to a party. And since watermelon is his favorite, this one's for you, Dad!

And I've saved my favorite for last:

A "dressy" Christmas tree

humorous Christmas tree

Someone was oh so clever and turned a dress form turned into a Christmas tree. Festive AND elegant. Wouldn't this be great in an entry way or at a more formal party? Love, love, love this idea!

If you want to see a bunch more fun trees that I didn't have room for here, I've got a Creative Christmas Trees board set up on Pinterest. Get a load of the giant pineapple!

How about you? Which one was your favorite? Have you created an unusual Christmas tree? Drop me a comment below. I'd love to hear from you!


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